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Feeling: 5.5 out of ten... Again!

I'm feeling okay and that's okay, that's really good. I'm probably no closer to good, but I'm okay!
Today I went out a walk to the beach with the puppy, perks of living in a seaside resort! She loved it, I have tons of videos of her just going berserk which is so cute.
I'm getting ready for work tomorrow, where it's gonna be superbly busy and I have a huge milestone to hit and I'm like ASDFGHJK! And so I'm nervous for that.
I spent my night in bed talking to my boyfriend about 'high school memories' and I was like... Fuck! I have some hilarious stories that need to be told, which brings up my channel again *sobbing* it needs to start and it's not disrespecting those who watched, believe me I'm grateful and happy I entertained you. I'm just finding it hard to be motivated.
But it'll be okay, I feel things getting better. The storm will pass soon!

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