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DAY 10

Feeling: motivated

I'm starting to feel motivated, maybe it's the weather? Or maybe my increased dose of lithium makes me feel good! I don't know! I managed to finally submit my funding application (on time, I boast!) and I had a really long day at work! There was this one woman who came looking for my supervisor, to tell them how great my service was and how helpful I was. That's cool! I felt more awkward hearing the compliment because I was like - how do I react? I was just like 'oh that's nice'. I mean my supervisor told me the compliment so I couldn't say thanks, you know? I do enjoy my job though, it's tough but it's fun!
My boyfriend was in the city too today so I met up with him and he showed me a birthday gift, and it was cool but I wasn't sure where I'd put it and heard how much it cost so I was like NAW NAW. He returned it, I felt so bad! But I could've lied! I just felt it was too much money on something silly, it was more for him than me he totally should spend more wisely!
I then went and got my ring size measured.
I can't believe I'm 20 in a few weeks, what's happening to me? Oh my!

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