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DAY 20

Today was my birthday and I had a big dinner with a bunch of family and my boyfriend, it was good however the service at the place was pretty much abysmal! Went for three courses and I'm still feeling full!
My boyfriends dad drove me to a train station a bit further afield to get me home quicker, my bf's dad is my old teacher and I always feel super awkward. It was quite funny listening to his 'school stories' though... Teachers have their own nicknames for pupils, which teacher is dating who and who's friends with who.
I did tutoring and teaching before and I loved it. I got to visit my old school and do tons of planning for an assignment at uni too. I was offered an interview for an art tutor job last month but I decided to go with the job im at, although a teacher is a great job... It's not my goal.
If I worked in a school, I'd want to be a basic everyday teacher for art/design/fashion/textiles. I wouldn't want to be a head of dept or even a head teacher and because of that, I really wouldn't get paid much (under 35k). Maybe one day I could be a visiting tutor, but I'm going to stick with being a designer. I like careers where there is room to succeed and be promoted.
Overall today, I've had a good day although I will admit I'm feeling a little bit sad that I'm now 20.
Oh and me and my boyfriend decided on our fourth dog breed, we're more dogs than babies (babies are basic).


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